Born 1982, Kungsbacka, Sweden
Utbildning / Education
2015 Konstpedagogik I, 7,5 hp, Halmstads Högskola, Halmstad
2014 Vad gör du? Pedagogik i samtidskonsten, HDK, Gothenburg
2011-2013 MA Konstfack University College, Institution of Craft, Stockholm
2007-2010 BA The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Ceramic and Glass, Denmark
2007 Exchange scholarship, Glassschool in NoviBor, Czech Republic
2005-2007 KY National School of Glass, Orrefors, Sweden
1999-2001 IndustrialDesign, Polhemsgymnasium, Gothenburg
Utställningar / Exhibitions
2020-2021 7xkonsthantverk, Repeat it, Form ocgh Design center, Malmö
2020. Konst åt alla, Halland, Solbackans bygdegård, Laholm
2018-2019 Expo Krögare Daniel Berlin, Skåne Tranås
2018 Mammans återkomst, Berg Gallery, Stockhoolm
2017 Walk the line, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg
2017 Perception of softness, Coppe Contemporary Objects, Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 European Glass Context, Open call, Bornholm, Denmark
2016 10 ways with Swedish glass, Kalmar Slott, Kalmar
2016 GLASUR, Hempel Museum of Glass, Nyköping-sj, Denmark
2016 Svensk Glaskonst efter 2000, Millesgården, Stockholm
2015 1965, Fjäregruppen, Hallands Konstmuseum, Halmstad
2015 Nationalmuseum Design, Glass is Tomorrow, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
2015 Quo Vadis, The Glass Factory, Boda
2015 1965-Fjäregruppens jubileumsutställning, Kungsbacka Konsthall, Kungsbacka
2015 European Glass Experience, Murano Glass Museum, Murano,
2015 Glass is Tomorrow, Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne, France
2014 European Glass Experience, Museu do Vidrio da Marinha Grande, Pourtugal
2014 underbara älskde hysteriska jag, The Glassery, Stockholm
2014 European Glass Experience, Fundación Centro Naciaonal del Vidrio, Segovia, Spain
2014 Objektens Metamorfos, The Glass Factory, Boda
2013 Heritage and Structure, Hallands Konstmuseum, Halmstad
2013 Stanislav Libensky Award, The Royal summer Palace, Prague, Czeck Republic
2013 Reunion, with A Thousand Pieces, Grönbechsgård, Bornholm, Denmark
2013 Körsbärsgården, Gotland, Sweden
2013 Making Matter, Glass factory, Boda, Sweden
2013 Liljevalchs Vårutställning, Stockholm, Sweden
2012 Glassroom, Johansfors, Sweden
2012 Liv och Rum, Galleri Hallands Konstförening, Halmstad, Sweden
2012 BLOMart, Åbo, Finland
2012 Heroes & Heroines, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
2011 Euorpean talent advanement Zwieseler Kölbl, Germany
2011 Mellan Hägg och Syrén, Galleri KHVC, Örebro, Sweden
2010 Madebyme2010, Galleri S12, Bergen, Norway
2010 Madebyme2010, Galleri Format, Oslo, Norway
2010 Madebyme2010, Form och Designcenter, Malmö, Sweden
2010 Madebyme2010, DesignerZoo, Copenhagen, Denmark
2010 Madebyme2010, Bornholms Konstmuseum, Denmark
2008 Needs, Grönbecksgård, Denmark
2007 Kungsbacka Kulturhus, Kungsbacka, Sweden
2006 Krapperups Konsthall, Ängelholm, Sweden
Uppdrag urval / Selected work experience
2015- Projectmanager and Curator at Performing Craft, www.performingcraft.se
2010- Selfemployed at www.teresewilliam.com
2009 Ushio Studios, Kanagawa, Japan
2009 IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult, Sweden
2008 Holmegaard Glasverk, Denmark
2007 Novy bor, Czech Republic
2007 Orrefors, Sweden
Stipendier / Scholarships
2017 Estrid Ericsson Stiftelse
2014 Konstnärsnämndens oneyear workscholarship
2014 Ansgarius och Hanhalskolonins scholarship
2013 Liquid Fusion - at Domaine du Boisbuchet, France
2013 Konstfack University College, ceramic and glass master scholarship
2012 Kungliga Hvidtfeldska Stiftelsens
2012 JL Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse
2008 Ann-Sophi & FC Hallgrens, Gunnar Gagnells fond
2007 Riksglasskolans exchangescholarship
2007 Region Hallands Kulturstipendium
2013 Artist in Residence, Glass is Tomorrow, Domain Boisbuchet, France

Terese William works in the field of craft and is based in Sweden. MFA 2013 Konstfack.
"It fascinates me how we look at different aesthetic expressions. Through materials my work explore and challenge the social and cultural hierarchies that influence our judgement"
William primairly work with the uniqe and selfdeveloped technique called Burn-Out. Wich is also a method to question a norm of perfect smooth surfaces and the power structure that supports and maintains that hierarchy of expressions.
tel: +46-736-217508
mail: twaenerlund@hotmail.com